Multicat Master UK

Merchant shipping United Kingdom 4 weeks on/off ASAP

Master wanted for a Multicat. As Master, you must have experience on workboats. The Multicat is working in the Bristol Channel towing a split hopper 800 & 600 ton barges from Avonmouth to Hinkley point new power station. Therefore, you need to hold a UK passport or a UK working permit. The vessel is working 24- hours per day in a 12 hours on/off shift.

You will work in a 4 weeks on/off rotation, but open to a longer trip if preferred.



  • UK passport or a UK working permit
  • UK COC, Master <3000 GT or more
  • All STCW certificates and training up to date
  • Good knowledge of the English language written and verbal.


  • Experience on workboats
  • Towaging experience

We offer:

  • Good conditions
  • Well equipped and maintained vessel
  • Competitive wage
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We are pleased to help you!


Contact us if you have any questions!

An Abts

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